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Attacking Opponent’s Strength | ADVANCED PLAYS

8 years ago78181 0

It’s a common strategy to attack the opponent’s weakness, but what about attacking their strength? In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates how attacking your opponent’s stronger side has it’s benefits as well.

3 Times To Use A Buggy-Whip | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

8 years ago22351 0

In today’s modern game, the buggy-whip can be used in a variety of situations on the court. In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates 3 great times to utilize a buggy-whip forehand.

Buggy Whip Every Forehand? | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

8 years ago37721 0

It’s easy to watch a player like Nadal steamroll through the French Open and think that we should emulate his buggy-whip forehand. Find out why this would be a major mistake in today’s lesson with Brady.

Buggy-Whip Progression (3/3) | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

8 years ago11291 0

In the last phase of the buggy whip forehand, Brady discusses how increasing racket speed is vital in order to successfully execute the buggy-whip forehand swing.

Buggy-Whip Progression (2/3) | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

8 years ago12311 0

The buggy-whip forehand is a must-have in today’s modern tennis game. In progression 2 of 3, Brady discusses how to adjust your swing path in order to execute the buggy-whip stroke.

Buggy-Whip Progression (1/3) | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

8 years ago22301 0

The buggy-whip forehand is a very modern stroke yet many recreational players struggle with the technique. In today’s lesson, Brady goes into a simple progression on how to learn the buggy-whip stroke.

Common Passing Shot Mistake | PASSING SHOTS

8 years ago176521 0

It’s common to want to go for the passing shot at the first possible opportunity–after all, if you hit it well you win the point. However in today’s lesson, Brady is cautioning you from falling into this common trap.

Down The Line Backhand Passing Shot | PASSING SHOTS

8 years ago163481 2

Hitting a passing shot down the line off the backhand side has to be one of the most precise shots in tennis. In today’s lesson, Brady goes through a few keys to getting this shot past your opponent for a winner.

Cross-Court Backhand Passing Shot | PASSING SHOTS

8 years ago192121 1

Hitting a cross court passing shot off the backhand wing can be a bit more difficult in comparison to the forehand. In today’s lesson, find out how to get the necessary spin to hit this somewhat tricky ball.

Down The Line Forehand Passing Shot | PASSING SHOTS

8 years ago177121 4

The down the line forehand passing shot is one of the most fun shot in the game, mainly because you have to hit it BIG. In today’s lesson, learn 3 keys to absolutely crush this shot for a winner.

Cross-Court Forehand Passing Shot | PASSING SHOTS

8 years ago170431 4

Whenever your opponents approaches the net, you often have two options: cross-court or down the line. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses how to execute a cross-court forehand passing shot.

Half-Volley Grip | VOLLEY TIPS

8 years ago127041 4

What grip should you be in for a half-volley? Even some instructors disagree. In today’s lesson, get Brady’s take on what grip he thinks you should be in to execute a half volley.

Low Volley or Half-Volley? | VOLLEY TIPS

8 years ago192681 6

Oftentimes you have a choice between rushing forward and taking the ball as a low volley or being patient and taking the ball off the bounce as a half-volley. Brady discusses what he thinks is generally the better play in today’s video.

Choke Up On Your Grip? | VOLLEY TIPS

8 years ago562021 5

Is there any benefit to choking up on your grip on a volley? Is this something that is acceptable? Get the answers to these questions and more in today’s lesson with Brady.

Handling “Body” Volleys | VOLLEY TIPS

8 years ago206781 4

Sometimes the most difficult shots are the ones hit directly at us. In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates how to handle that “body” volley, which you can still hit effectively as long as you respond correctly.

“Punch” Your Volley? | VOLLEY TIPS

8 years ago645641 1

Have you ever been told by a tennis instructor to “punch” your volley? If so you’re not alone. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses why he’s not a fan of this concept and instead offers a different idea.