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Second Serve Trick | SERVE WITH VARIETY

8 years ago80591 0

Is your second serve too predictable? In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates a sneaky serve that will surely keep your opponents on their toes and may even get you an occasional second serve ace.


8 years ago67381 0

You have many options in terms of the serve speed, placement and spin on the ad side. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses his top 5 serves he prefers to use on the ad side.

Top 5 Deuce Serves | SERVE WITH VARIETY

8 years ago72711 0

What serves should you be looking to hit when to step up to the line for a first serve? Brady’s tackling this simple question pertaining to the Deuce side in today’s lesson.

“Hard” Slice & Kick Serves | SERVE WITH VARIETY

9 years ago106951 0

Not all serves have to be purely one shot or another. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses how adding just a touch of a slice or kick can do wonders for your serve percentage.


9 years ago118671 0

The “slick” serve is a serve that is a mix between the slice and kick serve. It’s a nice serve to have that creates more margin over the net than a slice serve yet with more pace than a kick serve.

Return Back At Server? | SERVE RETURN

9 years ago149131 0

A lot of players think that a return of serve that’s away from the server is more effective. Is this true? In today’s lesson find out why a return hit directly at the server can cause the biggest servers the most trouble.

Common Return Mistakes | SERVE RETURN

9 years ago143921 0

Returning a serve in tennis is one of the hardest things to do in sports. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses what he thinks are the top 3 reasons players miss their returns at the recreational level.

Return Of Serve Trick | SERVE RETURN

9 years ago165461 0

When your opponent releases the ball out of their hand and is focusing on the ball during their service toss, you’re given a full second where they lose sight of you. What can you do with this time? Find out in today’s lesson with Brady.

#1 Difference Between 1st & 2nd Serve Return | SERVE RETURN

9 years ago129371 0

Your swing for the return of serve will vary greatly depending on what type of serve you’re facing. The main difference between returning a 1st serve vs a 2nd serve is in the backswing. Learn the proper backswing for both serves in today’s lesson with Brady.

3 Ways To Return A Kick Serve | SERVE RETURN

9 years ago149341 0

Returning a good kick serve can be one of the toughest tasks in tennis (even if you’re 6’7″!). In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates 3 very different but equally effective methods to return that serve that jumps out of your strike zone.

Racket Back Early? | INSTRUCTION MYTHS

9 years ago119451 0

You’ve probably been told by a coach to “get your racket back early”. But is this correct? Find out in today’s lesson with Brady.

Racket Back Early? | INSTRUCTION MYTHS

9 years ago48711 0

You’ve probably been told by a coach to “get your racket back early”. But is this correct? Find out in today’s lesson with Brady.

Scratch Your Back On Your Serve! | TENNIS MYTHS

9 years ago88371 0

Have you ever been told by a coach to “scratch your back” on your serve? This was a common saying years ago and is still unfortunately taught by some coaches. In today’s lesson, learn why “scratching your back” is the last thing you want to to do on your serve.

Always Approach Down The Line! | TENNIS MYTHS

9 years ago68861 0

Have you ever been coached to always approach down the line in singles? It’s a common saying and has been taught for years…but is it correct in today’s game? Find out in today’s lesson with Brady.

Hit Only With Open Stance! | TENNIS MYTHS

9 years ago78961 0

The open stance is so prevalent that some believe that they should be hitting all their forehands with it–which would be a mistake. In today’s lesson, find out a couple scenarios when hitting utilizing a neutral or “step-in” stance is still preferred.

3 Reasons You Miss A Drop Shot | COMMON MISSES

9 years ago16591 0

The drop shot can be an effective weapon if executed correctly, yet is often botched due to 3 common technique mistakes. Find out what these are in today’s lesson with Brady.