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Good Second Serve Win % | TENNIS ANALYTICS

9 years ago8591 0

How many points should you be winning on average against your opponent’s second serve? This statistic is usually the single biggest indicator of how who won a match. Learn why in today’s lesson with Brady.

Good First Serve % | TENNIS ANALYTICS

9 years ago9991 0

What’s a good overall first serve percentage? It depends on your style, but generally there is a 10% window you should be targeting. Find out what that is in today’s lesson with Brady.

Trophy Pose: Good Or Bad? | SERVE TIPS

9 years ago12991 0

You’ve undoubtedly heard of the “trophy pose” on the serve. But is this a good or bad thing? In today’s lesson, Brady clears up whether or not you should be using the trophy pose in your service motion.

Second Serve Myth | SERVE TIPS

9 years ago10041 0

If you watch enough professional tennis you’ll notice that the pros often target their opponent’s backhand on the second serve. But is this always the correct play? Learn the intriguing answer in today’s lesson with Brady.

Pinpoint Vs Platform Stance | SERVE TIPS

9 years ago10821 0

There are two main stances utilized for the serve in tennis: pinpoint and platform. In today’s lesson, learn the benefits and drawbacks for each to determine which stance might be best for your game.

Loop On Your Serve? | SERVE TIPS

9 years ago14871 0

You’ve probably heard the need for a loop on your groundstrokes, but what about your serve? In today’s lesson, Brady discusses the loop on the serve and offers up a simple drill to help incorporate it into your swing.


9 years ago33631 0

Don’t make contact too high or too low–you need to hit at waist level. You’ve likely been told this before…but is it correct? Find out in today’s lesson with Brady.

3 Keys To Your Serve Toss | SERVE TIPS

9 years ago25611 0

The toss on the serve is a very underestimated part of one’s game. A good, consistent toss is crucial in having a successful serve. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses 3 keys in order to have a great toss.

3 Musts On Your Overhead | STROKE ESSENTIALS

9 years ago12981 0

Timing and contact point are the two most important aspects of hitting a good overheard–but what ensures these? Learn 3 “musts” for hitting a good overhead in today’s video with Brady.

3 Musts On Your Volleys | STROKE ESSENTIALS

9 years ago15721 0

The volley is a relatively simple stroke yet it is probably the most messed up shot in the game. In today lesson, Brady discusses 3 “musts” for your forehand and backhand volleys.

3 Musts On Your Two-Handed Backhand | STROKE ESSENTIALS

9 years ago18901 0

The two-handed backhand stroke can have a lot of moving parts, which is not necessarily a good thing. In today’s lesson, Brady gives 3 specifics that he wants to see on every two-handed backhand.

3 Musts On Your One-Handed Backhand | STROKE ESSENTIALS

9 years ago35031 0

The one-handed backhand making a resurgence in the pro game. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses what are three “musts” specific to the one-handed backhand stroke.

3 Musts On Your Forehand | STROKE ESSENTIALS

9 years ago23921 0

The forehand is such versatile shot that the technique can vary greatly on every swing. However in today’s lesson, Brady discusses 3 things that you must do on every forehand you encounter.

Conservative vs. Aggressive | GROUNDSTROKE CONSISTENCY

9 years ago16821 0

Much of tennis is out of your own control due to so many factors. However you’re in control of two significant factors: your swing, and where you’re aiming. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses how to blend these two ideas to hit effective but still consistently around the baseline.


9 years ago12421 0

There are tons of factors that can lead to a miss on your forehand or backhand side. In today’s video, Brady discusses 3 factors to analyze off your opponent’s shot and how “matching” these can greatly increase your consistency.


9 years ago10111 0

Returning a powerful first serve can be one of the most difficult things to do in all of sports. Learn how to handle the ad “wide” serve in today’s lesson with Brady.