All Lessons

Backhand Slice Progression (1/3) | BACKHAND SLICE

9 years ago13881 0

The backhand slice is one of the more difficult shots to execute correctly. In progression 1 of 3, Brady discusses how to first impart the correct spin on the tennis ball.

The Kinetic Chain | PHYSICS OF TENNIS

9 years ago10841 0

You’ve probably heard the term the “kinetic chain” before, but what does it really entail? In today’s lesson, Brady breaks down the 4 main links in the kinetic chain in the modern swing.


9 years ago8061 0

Your body’s momentum plays more of a backup role on groundstrokes, typically trumped by the physics of the racket’s speed and path to the ball. However, your momentum plays a much large role on one particular shot featured in today’s video.

Acceleration | PHYSICS OF TENNIS

9 years ago12831 0

How does acceleration play a role in your swing and how does it differ from power? In today’s lesson, Brady discusses why accelerating your racket can actually help you be more consistent.


9 years ago8421 0

What exactly is leverage and what role does it play in tennis? In today’s lesson, learn how to optimize leverage at the baseline and how to minimize it when playing the net.

The Magnus Effect | PHYSICS OF TENNIS

9 years ago21291 0

What is the “magnus effect” and how does it apply to tennis? It’s actually a principle that applies to almost every shot in the game. In today’s video, learn how to use to use the magnus effect to bail you out of trouble.

Don’t Make These Adjustments | IN-MATCH ADJUSTMENTS

9 years ago8021 0

Sometimes players realize that they’re losing and they make the wrong in-match adjustment, only making things worse. In today’s lesson, learn 3 adjustments Brady never wants you to make in your matches.


9 years ago8261 0

The serve is the one shot in the game in which you are in complete control of. In today’s video, Brady discusses how to effectively mix up your serve in order to keep your opponents guessing.

Adjust Your Pace Of Play | IN-MATCH ADJUSTMENTS

9 years ago8791 0

Is your opponent having a great day on the court? See how long they can keep it up by adjusting the pace of play of your match. Learn how to do this (within the rules) in today’s lesson with Brady.

Adjust Your Court Position | IN-MATCH ADJUSTMENTS

9 years ago9531 0

One of the simplest and most effective changes in match adjustments in changing your court position. It’s amazing what a little extra time and space can do to turn a match around.


9 years ago10211 0

Before you can make any adjustment to your game, you have to avoid being stubborn and realize that a change is needed. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses the many factors that go into this decision.

High Backhand Volley | HANDLING HIGH BALLS

9 years ago11031 0

A high backhand volley can be easily misplayed if the wrong technique is used. In today’s lesson, learn the common mistake many club players make and how to correct it on the high backhand volley.

High Forehand Volley | HANDLING HIGH BALLS

9 years ago11841 0

The technique for a high forehand volley is slightly different than your typical forehand volley. Learn the subtle changes you must make in order to keep the ball in the court when the ball is higher.


9 years ago14861 0

Many think that the high backhand groundstroke is one of the most difficult shots in tennis. Learn how to tackle this shot and even hit it somewhat offensively in today’s video with Brady.


9 years ago14631 0

Do you struggle with shots that land deep, are high and have topspin? You’re not alone. Learn the 3 keys to successfully handle high balls on your forehand side in today’s lesson.

Maintaining Balance On High Balls | HANDLING HIGH BALLS

10 years ago16871 0

Having good balance is critical on any shot but can be particularly difficult on high balls. In today’s lesson learn how to maintain your balance even while falling and jumping backwards.