All Lessons

Eastern Backhand Grip | BACKHAND GRIPS

10 years ago13201 0

The eastern backhand grip is the most popular one-handed backhand grip. It offers a good blend of spin and power, which is why Roger Federer makes it his grip of choice for his backhand.

Open Stance Backhand | BACKHAND TECHNIQUE

10 years ago10081 0

The open stance backhand is becoming more prevalent in today’s fast-paced modern game. Learn the proper technique and when to use the open stance backhand in today’s lesson.

Scissor Kick Backhand | BACKHAND TECHNIQUE

10 years ago11981 0

A scissor kick backhand is most commonly used on higher balls that require you to supply your own pace to. In today video Brady demonstrates the technique for this unique (and fun) shot.

Two-Handed Backhand Technique | BACKHAND TECHNIQUE

10 years ago29691 0

The two-handed backhand is by far the most common backhand in tennis. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses the most commonly utilized technique for the two-handed backhand stroke.

One-Handed Backhand Technique | BACKHAND TECHNIQUE

10 years ago34281 0

The one-handed backhand may be less common in today’s game, but it still has its place. Learn the correct technique for the one-handed backhand stroke in today’s lesson with Brady.

Your Target Determines Your Topspin | TOPSPIN

10 years ago7961 0

A common question around the club is “how much topspin should I hit?” My response is…”where are you aiming?” Today’s lesson tackles how much topspin you should hit based on your target.

Crush Short Balls Without Losing Control | TOPSPIN

10 years ago13351 0

Nothing may be more frustrating than setting up a perfect point and missing the put-away shot. In today’s lesson learn how to crush these short balls without losing control.

Topspin Forehand Progression (3/3) | TOPSPIN

10 years ago11051 0

Once you’ve found that you’re hitting significant spin with a full stroke, you must finally scale back the topspin in order to find the perfect blend of spin and power. Watch and learn in today’s video.

Topspin Forehand Progression (2/3) | TOPSPIN

10 years ago9801 0

Once you’re able to impart significant spin on the ball, you must start to implement a fuller stroke beginning with the “loop”. Learn how to correctly do this in today’s lesson with Brady.

Topspin Forehand Progression (1/3) | TOPSPIN

10 years ago10041 0

The secret to hitting topspin is the racket path towards the ball. In today’s video Brady discusses how to impart topspin by taking you back to the basics of the swing path to hit with topspin.

Play More Explosive Points | BE MORE EXPLOSIVE

10 years ago8951 0

This week we covered how to be more explosive on several different strokes. What does it look like when we put it all together? Find out in today’s video with Brady.

Be More Explosive On Low Balls | BE MORE EXPLOSIVE

10 years ago12631 0

One shot that is played way too conservatively at the club level is a low ball on the forehand side. Learn how to be more explosive on this shot in order to put your opponent on their heels.

Hit More Explosive Volleys | BE MORE EXPLOSIVE

10 years ago9111 0

How can you hit a more explosive volley without compromising technique by swinging? One word: footwork! Learn how to use your feet to hit a little more “pop” on your volleys.

Hit More Explosive Serves | BE MORE EXPLOSIVE

10 years ago13411 0

In today’s lesson Brady discusses two simple methods to make your serve more explosive. Watch how these two tips make Mark’s serve much more explosive in today’s video.

Hit More Explosive Forehands | BE MORE EXPLOSIVE

10 years ago13721 0

Do you feel your forehand technique is good but it still doesn’t have that added “pop” to it? Learn how to hit a more explosive forehand all while still maintaining sound technique.


10 years ago9381 0

It’s always great to have both you and your partner attacking at the net together, but how do you move as a team. In today’s video Brady discusses a simple principle for moving at the net as a team.