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Pros & Cons Of Eastern Forehand Grip | FOREHAND GRIPS

10 years ago18541 0

Each grip has its own benefits and drawbacks. In today’s lesson, learn what the eastern forehand grip is particularly good for and what you need to be aware of in this common forehand grip.

Eastern Forehand Grip | FOREHAND GRIPS

10 years ago11211 0

Do you know what grip you’re in for your forehand? In today’s lesson learn how to find the eastern forehand grip which Roger Federer uses (and Brady) on his forehand.

Slice Serve Play | SLICE SERVE

10 years ago9621 0

Hitting a good slice serve can be a great way to start a point. In today’s lesson Brady demonstrates a simple play that uses a slice serve that will frustrate your opponents to no end.

Change Your Toss For Slice Serve? | SLICE SERVE

10 years ago11431 0

Adjusting your toss for a slice serve has it’s benefits, however it has it’s drawbacks as well. In today’s lesson find out if you should be slightly changing your toss when hitting a slice serve.

Slice Serve Progression (3/3) | SLICE SERVE

10 years ago15771 0

Once you’ve mastered the slice spin and you’ve adjusted your racket path, the last component is racket speed. Learn why racket speed is so important in hitting a successful slice serve.

Slice Serve Progression (2/3) | SLICE SERVE

10 years ago13171 0

Due to the added spin on a slice serve, you must adjust your racket path in order to keep the ball in the service box. Learn the correct racket path for a slice serve in today’s video.

Slice Serve Progression (1/3) | SLICE SERVE

10 years ago14271 0

When first learning the slice serve, your first priority should be to get the ball to spin (slice) adequately. Learn how to go about obtaining a sufficient amount of slice in today’s lesson.

Getting Jammed On Backhand Fix | QUICK FIXES

10 years ago10241 0

Do you get “jammed” on your backhands by getting too close to the ball at contact? Learn a quick fix to remedy this by treating your backhand more like your forehand swing.

Holding Racket Too Tight Fix | QUICK FIXES

10 years ago9901 0

Do you hold the racket too tight? In today’s video Brady discusses how loose you should grip the racket and gives you a quick tip to help you loosen that death grip on the racket.

Mishitting Ball Fix | QUICK FIXES

10 years ago8231 0

Do you find yourself mishitting the ball all too often? This is most commonly not a technique issue but rather a focus issue. Find out exactly what to focus on in today’s lesson with Brady.

Popping The Ball Up Fix | QUICK FIXES

10 years ago10981 0

Do you struggle with keeping the ball down or do you constantly “pop” the ball up? In today’s lesson Brady gives you a simple mental trick that you can focus on to keep your strings from opening.

Swinging On Volleys Fix | QUICK FIXES

10 years ago7751 0

You have probably been told “don’t swing on your volleys!”, yet many recreational players still can’t break the habit. In today’s video learn a cool trick to help avoid swinging on that volley.

Fake Overhead | TRICK SHOTS

10 years ago13081 0

Our last trick (and completely unnecessary) shot of the week is the fake overhead. Use this play to have a little fun and really humiliate your friend on the court.

Hitting Around The Net | TRICK SHOTS

10 years ago7601 0

Ever seen how the pros sometimes hit around the net when they’re really pushed off the court? Learn how to pull this rare shot off in today’s video with Brady.

Extreme Drop Shot | TRICK SHOTS

10 years ago14171 0

If you want to have a little fun and really want to make your opponent look silly, try hitting a drop shot with extreme backspin. Learn how to do this in today’s lesson with Brady.

Behind The Back Half Volley | TRICK SHOTS

10 years ago9701 0

Really want to unnecessarily show off? Hitting a half volley from behind your back should do the trick. Learn how to hit this fun shot (that should never be used in a match) in today’s video.