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Hit A Perfect Tweener | TRICK SHOTS

10 years ago9631 0

Ever wondered how the pros hit the between the legs “tweener”. Believe it or not there are actually times where it’s the only shot available. Learn how to hit a perfect tweener in today’s lesson.

Take Pride In Your Warm Up | WINNING THE WARM UP

10 years ago9321 0

Many club level player see the warm up as a formality and don’t take it seriously. Learn why the warm up is incredibly important in getting your rhythm and timing early in the match.

Hide Your Weakness | WINNING THE WARM UP

10 years ago8371 0

Like most players you probably have a weakness in your game. Your job in the warm up is to not let your opponent find out what it is. Learn how to accomplish this in today’s video.

Scout Your Opponent | WINNING THE WARM UP

10 years ago8281 0

Remember you’re not the only one warming up. Learn how to pick up on your opponent’s tendencies and spot possible weaknesses in your opponent in the warm up.

Establish A Routine | WINNING THE WARM UP

10 years ago7461 0

Establishing a warm up routine that is unique to you is a great way to get you comfortable and playing your best tennis early in the match. Learn about Brady’s routine in today’s lesson.


10 years ago11781 0

They may not televise it, but even the professionals begin their warm up with a few minutes of mini tennis. Learn why it’s so important and how to properly play mini tennis in today’s video.


10 years ago7351 0

When you successfully reach the net, almost the entire court is now available for you. So where is the best place to aim your volleys? Find out where in today’s video.

Placing Your Backhands | HITTING WITH PLACEMENT

10 years ago8461 0

The placement on your backhand side is very similar to the placement on your forehands, with one exception. Learn where to best place your backhands in today’s lesson.

Placing Your Approach Shots | HITTING WITH PLACEMENT

10 years ago7841 0

How does your target change when approaching the net? How aggressive do you have to be in order to not get passed or lobbed? Get your answers in today’s lesson with Brady.


10 years ago10121 0

The serve is the one shot you can pick out very aggressive targets–why is that? You get two of them! In today’s lesson Brady discusses the targets for both your first and second serves.

Placing Your Forehands | HITTING WITH PLACEMENT

10 years ago8631 0

Where should you aim the majority of your forehands and backhands? In today’s video Brady gives you a simple philosophy by giving you three distinct targets to aim your groundstrokes.

Short Slice Approach | BEATING LOBBERS

10 years ago10191 0

Sometimes you have to get a bit creative with your approach shots when playing a lobber. Learn a great play that works especially well against a lobber in today’s video.

Crush Overheads From The Baseline | BEATING LOBBERS

10 years ago17861 0

Overheads are not just for hitting around the net. A high lob that lands closer to the baseline can still be hit as an overhead off the bounce. Learn how to effectively do this in today’s video.

Crush The Overhead (3/3) | BEATING LOBBERS

10 years ago10431 0

The real solution to beating a lobber is by making them pay by crushing your overheads. In today’s lesson Brady discusses the psychology behind hitting your overhead against a lobber.

Move For The Lob (2/3) | BEATING LOBBERS

10 years ago9751 0

The movement for getting back to a lob is critical in order to get in position to hopefully crush an overhead winner. Learn the exact movement needed in today’s daily lesson.

Anticipate The Lob (1/3) | BEATING LOBBERS

10 years ago10981 0

The first (and arguably the most important) step in beating a lobber is anticipating the incoming lob. Learn 3 keys that help tip off that a lob may be on the way in today’s lesson with Brady.