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10 years ago10881 0

The return of serve in doubles can be one of the tougher shots in tennis. Learn exactly what the return of server needs to accomplish in order to be successful in today’s video.


10 years ago8811 0

The server’s partner position can be just as important as the actual server in terms of being able to hold serve. In today’s video Brady discusses the role of the server’s partner.


10 years ago8901 0

Each player in doubles has their own unique responsibilities. In today’s video Brady discusses the job of the server and what they need focus on in order to be successful.

Stay Out Of “No Man’s Land”! | INSTRUCTION MYTHS

10 years ago10311 0

Have a coach ever told you to never stand in “no man’s land”? While this principle is generally true, there are a few instances where stepping into “no man’s land” can actually be beneficial.

“Freeze” On Your Volleys! | INSTRUCTION MYTHS

10 years ago7001 0

Has an instructor ever told you to “freeze” when you make contact on your volleys? Today Brady debunks this myth and shows you why freezing on volleys can actually be detrimental to your net game.

Take Lots Of Little Steps! | INSTRUCTION MYTHS

10 years ago11531 0

Have you ever heard that you should be taking lots of little steps rather than taking longer strides around the court? Learn why this is not necessarily true in today’s video.


10 years ago15611 0

Have you ever been told to always hit the ball as waist level? In today’s lesson learn why this is not true and at times you can actually benefit from hitting the ball above waist level.

Racket Back Early! | INSTRUCTION MYTHS

10 years ago12181 0

Has an instructor ever told you to get your racket back early? Learn why this can wreak havoc on your technique, especially when hitting a modern forehand in today’s lesson.

Handling Pace At Net | DIFFICULT VOLLEYS

10 years ago9561 0

Do you struggle with volleys when the ball is hit hard with lots of pace? You’re not alone. Learn how to effectively use or absorb the pace of the incoming ball on your volley in today’s lesson.

Handling High Backhands At Net | DIFFICULT VOLLEYS

10 years ago12481 0

Many consider the backhand overhead to be one of the most difficult shots in tennis. Learn how to confidently hit this unique shot and how to hit it offensively in today’s video.


10 years ago8721 0

Sometimes setting your feet can be detrimental to hitting a good volley, especially off a floating ball. In today’s lesson, Brady discusses how “gliding” through your volleys may make sense.

Shuffle Step Volley | DIFFICULT VOLLEYS

10 years ago8621 0

A “shuffle step” volley can be useful off a slower passing shot when you have time or may need to take two steps. Learn how and the benefit of the shuffle step volley in today’s video.


10 years ago10241 0

When you need to really stretch to hit a volley you may have to sacrifice some technique. In today’s video learn how to effectively hit a volley when your opponent makes you really extend to the ball.

On The Run Modern Forehand | MODERN FOREHAND TIPS

10 years ago11611 0

Just because you’re on the run does not mean that you can no longer hit an aggressive modern stroke. Learn how to hit a “modern” on the run forehand and the footwork required to do so.

Modern Forehand Stance | MODERN FOREHAND TIPS

10 years ago9551 0

What grip should you be in to hit a “modern” forehand? Or do you even need to change your grip to modernize your forehand? Learn in today’s daily lesson with Brady.

Should You Jump On Your Forehand? | MODERN FOREHAND TIPS

10 years ago10911 0

Should you jump on your forehand? And if so, when and how? Learn how jumping on a modern forehand is a great way to generate extra spin and power in today’s video.