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Buggy Whip Warning | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

10 years ago9141 0

The “buggy whip” is a useful shot but it is not to be abused. Learn why getting addicted to this unique stroke can actually be a detriment to your game in today’s lesson.


10 years ago8631 0

The most common use for the “buggy whip” forehand is when you’re stretched on the run. Learn why this is and how you can effectively hit an on the run “buggy whip” forehand.

Buggy Whip Return Of Serve | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

10 years ago10191 0

The pros use the “buggy whip” a lot on the return of serve. Learn why this is and also learn how you can implement this to add a more offensive return to your return game.

Buggy Whip Follow Through | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

10 years ago11101 0

Where does the racket finish on a “buggy whip” forehand? The answer is…it depends. Learn where and how far you should finish on this unique shot in today’s daily lesson from Brady.

Buggy Whip Technique | BUGGY WHIP FOREHAND

10 years ago12971 0

The technique on a “buggy whip” forehand is very confusing to many. Yet just like any other stroke it requires a specific contact point and swing path. Learn these key points in today’s video.

How Much Topspin Should You Hit? | HIT WITH MORE TOPSPIN

10 years ago9351 0

How much topspin should you hit? Can you hit too much topspin? Getting a ton of topspin is great, but unless your last name is Nadal there’s still a limit to how much you should be going for.

Hit With Topspin On Low Balls | HIT WITH MORE TOPSPIN

10 years ago13781 0

Oftentimes when the ball is low and below the net, hitting with a little extra topspin can be a great asset. Learn how to hit more spin off this specific shot in today’s lesson with Brady.

Hit More Topspin On Deep Balls | HIT WITH MORE TOPSPIN

10 years ago9171 0

When you’re pushed back deep behind the baseline, more height and depth are needed–and of course a little extra topspin can never hurt. Learn how to play this shot in today’s video.

Add Topspin To Your Backhand | HIT WITH MORE TOPSPIN

10 years ago14971 0

Finding more topspin on your backhand side can sometimes be tough for many recreational players. Learn the best ways to add a few rotations to the ball in today’s lesson.

Add Topspin To Your Forehand | HIT WITH MORE TOPSPIN

10 years ago13481 0

Simply adding topspin can make your forehand a more penetrating and maybe surprisingly an even more consistent shot. Learn how to add more topspin on your forehand in today’s video.


10 years ago12051 0

The “carve” slice is a fun yet effective shot that produces great spin that you can use when the ball is higher and you’re on the run. Learn how to hit this unique shot in today’s lesson.


10 years ago14711 0

Sometimes when the ball jams you, hitting a “banana” slice can be utilized. This shot can also be used to get your opponent off the court on approach shots, as detailed in today’s video.

Offensive Slice | SLICE BACKHAND

10 years ago14661 0

Slice can also be used offensively when the situation presents itself. Learn how the pros “knife” their slice backhands to put their opponents on defense in today’s lesson.

Defensive Slice | SLICE BACKHAND

10 years ago12451 0

Using slice can be a great way to get you out of trouble when you’re put in a defensive position. Learn the technique for the defensive slice and when to use it in today’s lesson.

Slice Backhand Technique | SLICE BACKHAND

10 years ago17481 0

The technique on the slice backhand is very specific and relatively standard no matter your playing style. Learn the correct form for the backhand slice in today’s video.

Half Volley Game | HALF VOLLEY

10 years ago9491 0

Practicing the half volley can be difficult since it requires a specific type of ball to be hit. However you can still practice the technique using this simple game with a partner.