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11 years ago16211 0

When hitting on the rise, timing the ball correctly and finding the correct strike zone is just as important as technique. Learn these few keys that are musts for hitting on the rise in today’s video.

Backswing And Follow Through | ON THE RISE FOREHAND

11 years ago15461 0

Your backswing and follow through will change slightly for hitting on the rise. Learn these key changes in the swing path for hitting on the rise in today’s lesson.

Handling A Deep Shot | ON THE RISE FOREHAND

11 years ago17651 0

If your opponent hits a deep shot it may be difficult to get back in perfect position, so hitting the ball on the rise may be your only option. Learn how to handle this tricky shot in today’s video.

Taking The Ball Earlier | ON THE RISE FOREHAND

11 years ago12601 0

One major benefit in hitting on the rise is the ability to take the ball earlier. Learn exactly what this means and how it can totally change how you approach the tennis ball.

Timing And Contact Point | ON THE RISE FOREHAND

11 years ago11141 0

Your timing and specifically your contact point will be different when hitting the ball on the rise. Learn how to time the ball and where exactly your contact should be for hitting on the rise.

Disguising A Slice Approach | USING DISGUISE

11 years ago10841 0

Roger Federer has used this play to make his opponents look foolish. Learn this seldom used but effective approach shot play to frustrate your opponents to no end.

Disguising A Drop Shot | USING DISGUISE

11 years ago11331 0

Effectively disguising your drop shot can be the difference in your opponent tracking down your shot or it being a winner. Learn how to keep your opponents guessing in today’s video.

Disguising A Topspin Lob | USING DISGUISE

11 years ago10551 0

Oftentimes the difference in an offensive lob from being a winner vs an overhead by your opponent is in the disguise. Learn how to not give away that your lobbing in today’s lesson.

Disguising Return Of Serve Position | USING DISGUISE

11 years ago11421 0

Where you initially stand to return serve doesn’t have to be your final return of serve position. Take a tip from the pros and learn this easy trick to hide your return of serve position.

Disguising Serve Location | USING DISGUISE

11 years ago10891 0

Sometimes your toss location can give away where your serve may be heading. In today’s lesson, Brady will show you this nifty trick on how to hide where your serve is going.

Open vs Closed Stance | OPEN STANCE FOREHAND

11 years ago13511 0

What’s the difference between an open and closed stance? What are the advantages of being “open” vs being “closed”. Find out in today’s lesson.


11 years ago13031 0

The open stance forehand requires very different technique from the closed stance. You may be surprised how simple and oftentimes easier the technique is for an open stance.

Short Angle Forehand | OPEN STANCE FOREHAND

11 years ago13161 0

It’s typically easier to hit angles out of an open stance. In today’s video Brady demonstrates a specific situation where hitting out of an open stance is more beneficial to hit an angle.

Attacking A Short Ball | OPEN STANCE FOREHAND

11 years ago25901 0

Using an open stance instead of a closed stance when attacking a short ball can give you the extra power and flexibility you need to keep your opponent on their heels.


11 years ago11791 0

Anytime you’re on the move towards your forehand side is a great time to utilize the open stance. Learn why and how this technique can be applied whenever you’re on the run.

Out Of The Air vs Bounce | OVERHEAD

11 years ago10351 0

Should you take the overhead out of the air? Or should you hit your overheads after one bounce? In today’s video Brady discusses the variables in making this important decision.