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11 years ago13601 0

Have a little extra time to hit your forehand instead of your backhand on your approach? Great. Use this necessary footwork in order to hit your forehand and still get to the net quickly.

Setting Feet vs Moving On Approach Shot | FOOTWORK FOR APPROACH SHOTS

11 years ago13581 0

Should you set your feet on your approach shot or should you keep moving through it and focus on closing the net? Find out the answer and much more in today’s video.

Recognizing Depth Of Opponent’s Shot | ANTICIPATION

11 years ago14541 0

Reading how deep your opponent’s shot is headed and how you can position yourself accordingly is crucial. In today’s video Brady demonstrates a drill to help you in reading the depth of shots.

Anticipating Your Opponent’s Next Shot | ANTICIPATION

11 years ago15331 0

Ever wonder how the pros always seem to be in the right place at the right time? Learning how to anticipate what shot is coming before it’s been hit is crucial in raising your game to the next level.

When To Decide What Shot To Hit | ANTICIPATION

11 years ago13731 0

When should you decide what shot to hit? Is it OK to change your mind right before you make start your swing? Learn when the best time to make this decision in today’s lesson.

Reading Your Opponent’s Serve | ANTICIPATION

11 years ago12921 0

Oftentimes you can predict where your opponent’s serve is headed simply by reading their toss. Learn a few cues to look out for to give you that extra edge on your opponent.


11 years ago12801 0

One of the most important aspects of the serve is the point of contact. Learn when and where this contact must occur and try a simple yet effective drill Brady demonstrates.


11 years ago17731 0

The toss on the serve might be the most important yet least practiced skill in tennis. In today’s video Brady offers a few key tips on how to get a nice consistent toss.

Throwing Motion | SERVE MECHANICS

11 years ago16561 0

If you know how to throw the ball around you may be surprised to hear that you already know the basics on how to hit a serve. Learn the similarities in throwing a ball and hitting a serve.


11 years ago19591 0

The core of your body is essential in getting consistent power on your serve without placing unnecessary strain on your arm. Learn how to effectively use your core on your serve.


11 years ago30921 0

Snapping your wrist at contact is critical for gaining maximum power and spin on your serve. Learn a simple yet effective drill for getting more wrist snap on your serve.