The serve is most powerful shot in the game. In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates 3 things that may be killing power on your serve and how to best avoid them.
Published on 10/09/2018 by Brady
The serve is most powerful shot in the game. In today’s lesson, Brady demonstrates 3 things that may be killing power on your serve and how to best avoid them.
Thanks Ronald. Love the term “live arm” as it encourages a loose swing!
Tough to change something like that in the middle of a tennis season as it’s a tough transition. I like to start my students in “trophy position” to isolate the motion and then very gradually work back towards a full motion when they start to get the hang of it. But this takes weeks and typically months of training.
I love the term weapon for a serve!
Glad you’re finding them helpful Richard!
Another outstanding video. Due to some ‘rotator’ problems, I can’t do some of the motion that you have so well described. It is possible that I could do much better on the pronation movement…so I will give it a try. Thanks so much.
Best of luck with it Bill!